Moorabool North & South Wind Farm Victoria – Completed
Generating capacity 312 MW
Clean Energy Power 228,000 homes
Co2 Reduction 1.7m tonnes/yr
- Capability Wind farm
- Type BOP – Civil & Electrical
- Locations Bungal VIC
- Completion Q3 2019
- Turbines 104 x GW136 – 3MW
Zenviron was awarded a contract to deliver both the North and South sections of the balance-of-plant works for Goldwind Australia’s Moorabool Wind Farm in regional Victoria, consisting of 104 wind turbines located approximately 25km southeast of Ballarat.
The project produces up to 312 MW, approximately 1,050 GWh, of electricity annually. This is enough renewable energy to power the equivalent of 228,000 average Victorian homes every year, representing approximately 10% of Victorian homes. The project is divided into two sections: North and South. 50 wind turbines are constructed in the northern section and 54 turbines in the southern section, all turbines proposed are 169m to the tip of the blade.
Moorabool Wind Farm Construction
Construction began in July 2018 and Balance of Plant (BOP) construction works completed in Q3 of 2019, Zenviron designed and constructed 2 x 132kV substations both with reactive plant capability, over 55km of internal access track, public road upgrades, crane hardstands and the wind turbine foundations across the North and South sites.
The development consisted of all MV underground cabling for the power collector networks and more than 70km of cable was installed on the site.
Zenviron again utilised many local companies in the Ballarat area for sub-contract work on the access tracks and wind turbine foundation construction, which was completed to high standard and benefited local companies and the local community.