about Values

Aligning actions with our values

Our values are the foundation of who we are, and are demonstrated from the first time you speak to us, through to post-project support of your renewable energy future.

Accountability. Taking responsibility for our work and our service, always offering transparency and open lines of communication.

Conscience-led growth. We are passionate about helping our customers and partners achieve renewable energy success through solution-based approaches, learning and continuous improvement.

Safety and wellbeing. We are dedicated to ensuring the physical safety and mental wellbeing of our team, and those who we interact with. 

Teamwork. We encourage a cooperative, collaborative and friendly approach. We are as much here to share knowledge and solutions, as we are to learn from others and be open-minded to exciting new ideas. 

Loyalty. We develop long-term relationships by earning the respect, trust and support of our customers, partners and each other.

Committed to upholding human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption

Our commitment to responsible business and sustainability is strengthened by our participation, in the United Nations Global Compact, which sees Zenviron:

  • Act responsibly by supporting the 10 Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and find opportunities to support the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Committing to making the United Nations Global Compact and its principals part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.
  • Engaging in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.

As part of this, we annually submit a Communication on Progress to demonstrate our implementation of the principles. This supports public accountability and transparency, and commitment to reporting in accordance with the UN Global Compact COP policy.

We are consistently dedicated to a holistically sustainable and positive company, aiming to always make tomorrow better than yesterday.

Integrity Hotline

Zenviron maintains an Integrity Hotline, which is an external independent service provided by Deloitte, and is authorised to receive reports of Disclosable Matters on behalf of the Company. Reports to the hotline can be made by:

Phone: Tollfree (within Australia) – 1800 952 477

Direct dial (for international dialling) – +61 3 9667 3570

Post: Monadelphous Integrity Hotline

Reply paid 12628 A'Beckett Street

Victoria 8006

Email: MonadelphousIntegrity@deloitte.com.au

Website: www.MonadelphousIntegrity.deloitte.com.au

Fax: +61 3 9691 8182

The Company expects individuals to make reports under this Policy honestly and ethically, and to make their report on reasonable grounds.

All information provided will be treated seriously and dealt with in a sensitive and confidential manner. The Deloitte team are experienced in dealing with unethical and unlawful matters and can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Read our Letter of Commitment

The key requirement for participation in the UN Global Compact is the annual submission of a Communication on Progress (COP) that describes our company’s efforts to implement the Ten Principles. To stamp our commitment, we support public accountability and transparency to annually report on progress to the UN Global Compact.
