Monadelphous 50th Anniversary Celebrations and Gala Dinner

 news rv-717-x-477-1 Nov 28, 2022

Monadelphous held their 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner on Saturday the 26th of November in the Grand Ballroom at Crown Perth.

The evening was a special event which was a celebration to all the past and present team members that have contributed to the success of Monadelphous.

The new Executive Chairman Rob Velletri paid tribute to John Rubino who recently retired from the role after more than 30 years’ service.

Peter Dempsey a long term retiring Director of Monadelphous and Dino Foti retiring Executive General Manager, were also toasted at the event by the Chairman.

Zoran Bebic spoke at the event, having been appointed Managing Director of Monadelphous.

There were many old stories told, complimented by fantastic food and wine and dancing into evening.

Members of the Zenviron management team were honoured to be able to attend this celebration.

  • Date Published Nov 28, 2022
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